How to play DOTA

Because Dota 2 is the most difficult MOBA to play, as well as one of the most difficult competitive games in general. Fans of esports like debating which game is the most difficult to master. Some say that the length of time it takes to learn a game should be used to determine its difficulty. Others argue that professional-level gameplay should be used to make decisions.


You wouldn't play a sport with strangers if you didn't understand how it works. Dota 2 has a tutorial, which is better than nothing because it gives you a flavor of the game's depth. You'll learn about a few heroes (including Sniper, a popular yet unpleasant choice), as well as the many types of powers characters have and how to use them.

This is all really basic information, but it's crucial, especially if you're unfamiliar with Warcraft 3, which is the evolutionary foundation for the modern MOBA genre. You'll also get a quick overview of the things. Learn about Tangos. You'll use them frequently.


Radiant and Dire are the two sides of the Dota 2 map. Radiant is to the left, and it's a lush, lovely haven. On the right side of the map, you'll find the Dire lands, which are covered in bugs and whatnot and run diagonally from top left to bottom right.

There are three lanes on the map: top, middle, and bottom. The jungle is the area between the lanes that includes neutral creep camps. Each team has three towers that stretch down the length of each lane, attacking enemy creeps and heroes within a specified radius. Stay with us as we explain what creeps are.

Tier one towers are closest to the river; tier two towers are halfway down the lane; and tier three towers are located at the start of each lane, in your base. There are also two tier four towers guarding the Ancient, which is located in the center of your base.

The fountain is tucked away in the bottom left and top right corners, healing your life and mana over time while attacking any enemies that dare to enter. The Base Shop is also located here, where you can purchase the majority of products. You'll also notice your loyal courier hanging out here; if you buy something from the shop while you're away from the base, you may direct your courier to deliver it to you — just don't put it in danger, as it takes a few minutes to revive if it dies.


A quick note: your teammates will frequently use the words top, middle, and bottom lanes, as well as offlane and safelane. The Radiant offlane and the Dire safelane are on the top lane, and the Radiant safelane and the Dire offlane are on the bottom lane. This is due to the fact that the map is not symmetrical. Because your team's tier-one tower is closer to where the creeps meet, the safelane is, well, safer. The offlane is the polar opposite, with the creeps converging closer to the enemy's tier one tower.


When talking about the map, keep in mind that you can't see what's going on everywhere — only where you have vision. The cloud of war has obscured everything else. Trees also obstruct vision, and you can't see up slopes. Allies share vision; whatever your team sees, you can see as well.

Many things, including friendly creeps, heroes, structures, couriers, and observer wards, provide vision. Observer wards are an important aspect of the game since they provide valuable information to your team. The minimap on the lower left is a convenient method to see at a glance which enemy heroes you can see and which are missing from the map, presumably because they are up to naught good.

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